Monday, March 9, 2020

In favor of the border wall Professor Ramos Blog

In favor of the border wall The border between Mexico and the United States was never secure, literally and figuratively, it consisted of an old, beet up, chain link fence. The fence did not really do the job it was put there to do, which was to clearly define the boundaries between Mexico and the United States. The fence was a laughing stalk, flimsy and full of holes, clearly letting everyone who sized it up know we really didn’t care that much to protect our boundaries. Building a better, more efficient wall, which speaks to our credibility, has been addressed, thanks to President Trump. This is a great idea. I will provide evidence to support that this idea is great in my report. I will also provide reasons behind the walls opposition and tear them down. Having a fortified boundary will help to eliminate the number of drugs that come into the country. Presently, Mexico accounts for perhaps more than half of U.S. imports of Marijuana and Heroin, also moving large amounts of cocaine (Reuter, Ronfeldt v). Mexico has been a platform for many types of smuggling in the United States for a long time, including stolen automobiles and migrant workers. These operations have been highly organized and developed rapidly during the 70’s. Through corruption in Mexico’s political system many powerful smugglers have been able to establish positions of protection for themselves (Reuter, Ronfeldt v). Destined for the U.S. market, Mexican production of heroin and marijuana rose rapidly throughout the late nineteen eighties. For at least fifty years, the U.S. has been pressing the Mexican government for more stringent drug control, their refusal to allow U.S. agencies to closely monitor the functioning of drug control has exacerbated tensio n between the two countries. The U.S. government can do very little, if, as some officials and analysts believe, corruption has impeded more effect drug control. The roots of corruption go deep in Mexico and cannot be substantially reduced by U.S. pressures. It has been argued that most of the drugs that enter the country from Mexico come through ports of entry, this is true, however, most is not all, and drugs are still entering by crossing the borders. The border wall will tremendously slow down drug imports to the U.S. Restrictions against illegal immigrants, combined with anti-immigrant hostility in the United States has created an economy of generally undesirable jobs (143). This illegal economy now involves prostitution and trafficking. Prostitutes supplied by Mexican traffickers have customers who are men from immigrant communities as well as non-Latino U.S. men. Woman and girls in prostitution are purchased everyday by thousands of male tourists who enter Mexico from the United States. Seeking jobs in the United States, woman and youth must rely on labor traffickers who then lure them into sex trafficking with false promises of jobs, sometimes kidnapping them and selling them. In 2003, an investigation was done on the trafficking of Mexican girls to brothels near San Diego. Hundreds of girls from ages twelve to eighteen from rural Mexico were either tricked or kidnapped into the U.S. border by traffickers or pimps, over a ten-year period. More than fifty brothels and outdoor farm labor sexual exploitation camps in San Diego County are controlled by criminal networks (150). Trafficked girls are sold to military personnel, U.S. tourists, and migrant farm workers. Caves made of reeds served as brothels at the edge of a field, was discovered in one particular case. Many of the girls even had children whose lives were threatened as leverage not to escape. Everyday hundreds of farm workers sexually assaulted these girls in prostitution after being transported to these sexual slavery camps. The wall along with the cameras and Law Enforcement officials at the border will provide more protection both for the U.S. but also for Hispanic woman and girls. A young woman who, known only as Maria, escaped from human traffickers and witnessed babies and children being â€Å"sold to order† to US citizens, did an interview with channel four news. Maria had experiences inside one of the gangs and had â€Å"significant information† and possessed a â€Å"remarkable memory† of things that went on inside. Maria told of Mexican and US gangs working together to supply a demand in the US. Maria was 16 when she was lured into the gang. Maria said the gang sold young women to the US as sex slaves after being held in a house on the Mexican border. Maria had been promised a job and given presents by gang members but was instead drugged, raped, and sold to men. Maria said these men also dealt in children and remembered one occasion when the gang was contacted by a woman in New York who needed a nine-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl in three days. The gangs would prowl the streets of poor areas looking for children and steal th em. The US state department estimates more than 20,000 young woman and children are trafficked across the border each year. ( The border wall will provide more protection to victims of human and sex trafficking. Illegal aliens frequently enter the country in search of work opportunities. Many employers welcome them in exchange for paying them lower wages then they would have to pay U.S. workers. This employment is illegal under the immigration control and reform act (IRCA). Employers ignore this law completely and knowingly hire illegal workers. Others hire illegal workers not knowing they’ve used fake documents because they have failed to properly vet the employees. There is no requirement to verify documents presented by workers therefore this failure to properly vet is made easy and E-verify, an electronic system to verify documents, is voluntary on a nationwide basis, therefore employers do not have to comply. Defenders of illegal aliens, religious organizations, business lobbyists, and ethnic advocacy groups assert that illegal aliens only take jobs Americans will not do, â€Å"This is patently false because they are working in jobs in which U.S. workers are also employed- weath er in construction, agriculture harvesting, or service professions†. ( When it is prevalent in a sector of the economy to hire illegal alien workers employers rely on illegal workers who will work for less in order to protect their bottom line. The wall will also help bring back more jobs for law abiding citizens. One reason for not wanting the wall is that â€Å"†¦.it does not reflect the reality of how the large majority of persons now become undocumented† (125). In many cases studies have shown the majority of immigrants did not illegally cross a border, they were admitted on non-immigrant visas, and then violated the terms of their visas or overstayed their admission period. One study in 2014 found that two thirds or sixty six percent of those who arrived were overstays. This does bring new information to light; however, it also points out that if sixty six percent were overstays then forty four percent did actually enter illegally. That number is still significant. This report represents information about the undocumented population’s mode of arrival in 2014. This trend has changed since 2005 when most arrivals were EWI’s (entries without inspection). This article questions the ability of a wall to address these issues. However, a wall will assert authority and d emand respected boundaries. When you break the law, you should be punished. Legal action against law violations should not be singled out for only U.S. citizens, therefore it should not even be possible to enter illegally. I do not think it is right to come into someone’s home and start off by breaking the law. As for the argument of the wall being racist. Inanimate objects cannot be racist. All countries have the right to secured borders. A country without secured borders is not a country. Furthermore, we can’t ignore the security of the country because it makes some people uncomfortable. So, in short, the wall will protect us from illegal drug smuggling, protect woman and young girls from being sold into sex trafficking, provide more jobs to tax paying, Law abiding citizens. The wall is a great idea. Martin, Nick. â€Å"Mexican woman tells of ordeal with cross-border child traffickers.† The Guardian. 2019 Guardian news and media limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved 11 Jan 2010. Web. 7 August 2019 Reuter, Peter, and David Ronfeldt. â€Å"Quest for Integrity: The Mexican-US-drug issue in the 1980’s† Journal for Interamerican studies and world affairs 34.3 (1992): 89-154. Ugarte, Marisa B., Laura Zarate, and Melissa Farley. â€Å"Prostitution and trafficking of woman and children from Mexico to the United States†. Journal of trauma Practice 2.3-4 (2004): 147-165  Ã‚ Warren, Robert, and Donald Kerwin. â€Å"The 2000 mile wall in search of a purpose: since 2007 visa overstays have outnumbered undocumented border crossers by half a million†. Journal on migration and human security 5.1 (2017): 124-136. https://journals.sagepub/doi/pdf/10.1177/233150241700500107 â€Å"40 years fair† Federation for American immigration reform all right reserved, 2019 June, web, 4 August 2019

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