Monday, December 2, 2019

The Crucible and Goody Proctor free essay sample

1. Who is the leader? How would you describe Mary Warren in relation to the other girls? Abigail is the dominant figure in charge of the girls, making her the leader. In relation to the other girls, Marry Warren is very aware of the consequences and would like to avoid getting in trouble with the elders, therefore she tries to pull herself away from the girls. 2. What have the girl done to violate Puritan codes and could explain their behaviour? How does Tituba figure in this event? The girls had danced naked in the forest, which goes against the codes, this leads to the accusation of them attempting witchcraft in the forest with the help of Tituba. Tituba has background knowledge on witchcraft and how to conjure spirits, she knows this her home place, Barbados. 3. What are some of the reasons behind Parris’s insecurities? Parris’s insecurities are partially due to his daughter being unwell but privately he is concerned for his own reputation. We will write a custom essay sample on The Crucible and Goody Proctor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If his household’s name is tainted by the rumours of witchcraft, he’s reputation as a reverend will be of no value and cursed. He is insecure about not belonging. 4. What has goody Proctor turned Abigail out of the proctor household? How does this ‘rejection’ figure in the build-up of the witch hysteria? Goody Proctor has turned Abigail away from their household because Proctor had become attracted to her youth and committed lechery with Abby. Goody Proctor took care of the problem by making her leave, and therefore Abigail holds a grudge against Elizabeth, and would like revenge. Once Proctor admits that he has made a mistake and that he cannot be with her, Abby is hurt and rejected, therefore initiates the trend of accusing innocents of witchcraft, which gradually builds up the hysteria. 5. Miller’s Summary Assessments – Thomas Putman: Eldest son of the richest person in town. ‘regards himself as the intellectual superior of most of the people around him’ Had a ‘vindictive nature’ revengeful nature, holds grudges He made many accusations against other people. 6. Concepts of the devil: â€Å"The devil as a necessary part of a respectable view of cosmology.† Certain ideas and emotions and actions are of God, and their opposites are of Lucifer Good and evil are always joined at the same phenomenon â€Å"The necessity of the Devil may become evident as a weapon† ‘the churches enemies relied no less upon the Old Boy to keep the human mind enthralled’ Hale – â€Å"man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.† ‘Sex, sin and the devil were early linked, til Salem, til now’ 7. What must the ‘Accused’ of witchcraft do to avoid hanging? Specifically, why does Tituba â€Å"open up†? After being unreasonably interrogated, Tituba plays along because they mention that anyone who confesses to the sin will not be hanged, and therefore Tituba confesses/ â€Å"opens up† to witchcraft in order to continue living and return to Barbados. Act 2 1. What is the primary centre of tension in the encounter between John Proctor (JP) and Marry Warren (MW)? The tensions of who yields the most power/authority between the two characters are played out very vividly in the encounter between JP and MW. MW is now an official of the court and therefore also has rights and regulations now, and because of this power achieved by the girl JP usually orders around, he tries to grasp onto whatever ground he can to still have influence and control over her. The shift of power is evident when MW’s dialogue gradually extends throughout the act as she replays what is going on in court, her knowledge of the current events give her power. Initially the argument between JP and MW had started due to MW ignoring JP’s orders of her to stay at home, this starts the shift of power, and JP is intimidated and frustrated at his inability to take action . 2. What other ‘symptoms’ can be added to the Act 1 list of ‘evidence’ that the devil has invaded salem? Suspicious behaviours, sending ou t spirits, and flying are all â€Å"evidence† that the devil has invaded the minds of the inhabitants of Salem, but also not remembering the 10 commandments are another source of ‘evidence’. It is common Puritan Knowledge to know these by heart, if you do not, then you are very likely doing something wrong. Working on Sundays and not attending church consistently is also another negative notion that can be linked to witchcraft. If you do any of these things, you faith is not legitimate and there is a chance you made a pact with the devil. 3. What is you Impression of Elizabeth Proctor by the end of Act 2? Of reverend Hale? Elizabeth is a true wife and is willing to forgive JP as long as he breaks the ‘promise’ that he unknowingly made with Abigail. She has strong beliefs and is a strong character. She knows her morals and can judge other accordingly. Hale is starting to empathise with the Proctor household. He has an open mind and can judge the situation with proper caution, making his hypothesises more accurate than of Danforth or Harthorn. 4. How does Reverend Hale initiate the hysteria that closes Act 2? He asks about the Poppet that Abby claims Liz has. He makes clear that Abigail has a fit and they later found that she had a pin inside her. Cheever spots the poppet in the house and is shocked to find a needle inside the poppet. Elizabeth states that the poppet is MW’s and yet they still take Elizabeth. Proctor is outraged and swears to bring the court down, closing the act in  pain for Proctor as he had lost his wife to the court. 5. Describe the methods miller uses to achieve the climatic build-ups at the end of the act. Millers uses stage direction to show what each character’s reactions are. Question/accusation and answer format creates tension. Continuous talking creates the build-ups. Angered responses make the atmosphere tense with anticipation of replies. E.g. â€Å"Proctor stands there, gulping air.† Metaphors and imagery in the stage directions clarify the scene.

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